Michele  is smiling in an office setting. She is wearing a blue denim button up and her long hair is pushed to one side.

Michele Lee

Senior Public Affairs Manager

Michele Lee is a Chicagoland native. By day, she is the Senior Public Affairs Manager focused on Accessibility at Cruise, a self driving car service. In this role, she cultivates relationships with key advocates, community organizations, and experts representing the full diversity of the disability community to build more accessible service.

Michele is a longtime disability advocate and has used a power wheelchair for decades after a spinal cord injury. Combining a professional background in corporate and nonprofit organizations with a long passion for disability rights advocacy, she is working towards an equitable, accessible future.

Michele has served on various boards and committees to advance the rights of people with disabilities. Currently, Michele serves as a Board Member for the Chicago Transit Authority.

Business, Arts and Culture, Civil Rights, Community Inclusion, Disability Rights, Unnamed record, Employment, Environment, Government, Healthcare, Philanthropy, Technology, Urban Planning and Policy, Transportation